- We will legally collect your personal information for the purposes listed below and use the collected information within that scope.
- Responding to customer inquiries.
- Business related to transactions with customers.
- Sales activities including providing information on products, events, etc.
- As a general rule, personal information collected from customers will not be provided or disclosed to third parties or business partners (except for entrustment to our subsidiaries or business partners) without the customer’s consent.
- We will properly manage your personal information by taking security measures to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, unauthorized access, etc.
- We will handle your personal information in compliance with laws, regulations, and guidelines such as the Personal Information Protection Act.
- We may outsource the handling of personal information in order to conduct transactions with customers and provide services. In such cases, in order to ensure appropriate handling, we will conclude contracts, thoroughly inform the relevant parties of our personal information protection policy, and inspect the implementation status.
- If you wish to inquire about, correct, delete, or request the suspension of use of your personal information, please contact our office.
- We will educate our employees to ensure that personal information of customers is handled appropriately, and will regularly inspect whether such information is being handled appropriately, and will review and improve our efforts to protect personal information as necessary.
For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us at TEL: +1-502-350-6483